Or at least that is what is inferred from the attached link. This by the way is another reason why I personally do not feel that the Tribulation and the Second Advent of Jesus Christ will occur this year. The children of Satan have a plan and a time table in place. Now, they are not in control and if God Himself intends for this to be the year then everything I said is wrong and we will see both Antichrist make his appearance and then the true Christ return about 2.5 months later. But the point to me is that something in the form of a global government has to at least be presented and start to come to be. I have seen and heard serious bible students debate whether it actually even comes to be or if it almost comes to be. Those who have studied with Shepherd's Chapel and particularly Pastor Arnold Murray when he was still with us may have some confusion or differences of opinion on this very matter as I heard him say more than once they almost get the first beast put together. My own personal feeling from studying as best I can and trying to put it all together, particularly combining Daniel and Revelation is that they will have a one world government in place. Maybe not for long but I personally think it will be formed. But certainly there must be that first beast of Revelation 13 come to be that receives that deadly wound that Satan heals and the whole world then starts following it as their new religion and him as their new (false) savior. Well, excepting of course those written in the Lamb's book of life from the foundation of the world, God's set aside election. But point being, it isn't going to be something that really anyone in the world fails to notice. A one world government emerges, fails, is "healed" by Satan and then essentially rules for I feel just 2.5 months.
Many of us as well have become accustomed to the season of the locust running from May-September, putting the halfway period at about mid July, at which point said deadly wound would occur to be "healed" by Satan. Maybe that will be the time period we deal with. Maybe it won't be. Again, I personally tend to think so as I believe God is both very good to those who at least try to study His Word and watch the signs and the season. It also would seem to make a lot of sense for Christ to return on or about the same time as His First Advent and birth, about September 29th during the Feast of Trumpets. We certainly know to watch for and spiritually listen for the 6th and 7th trumps and some will even say the woe of the 5th Trump that is still to come.
But if it is a May-September timeline, then again we're back to that mid July period, say the 15th or 16th for the deadly wound to occur. As I am typing this, tomorrow is July 1st. While events are certainly shaping up to take us to that time, if they're going to get some semblance of a global government going within a couple of weeks, well, needless to say they'd better move fast. None of us know everything but I would tend to presently think this article is correct on their intentions. If we have a second round of lockdowns in mid July that will be momentous and both fleshly and spiritually eye raising without a doubt. It is pretty hard to call it a deadly wound or have it connected with a deadly wound though. Particularly if there still is not really a political beast yet to wound.
As a matter of fact, a sister shared this with me, and maybe many of you. Without a doubt it seems like they intend to cause more pain and condition people to accept their proposal and solution. I was going to post the video but naturally YouTube seems to have made it disappear. In short it was the President of Ghana reading plans from the Rockefeller Foundation that literally spoke of a "Phase Two Lockdown". So I have little doubt that they intend to tell us to stay at home yet again with more restrictions than before in all likelihood.
All of this follows in line with what I've read of their plans and how they want to implement them. Everything I've gathered is they do want to get people to a point in which they simply won't resist them. The people aren't at that point just yet I don't think. Nor do I think they believe that the people are. I'm not even sure with news of China making moves against India, Israel seeking to annex the West Bank, and even a blurb I saw of a US Navy destroyer off the coast of Venezuela a few days ago https://www.businessinsider.com/us-navy-conducts-freedom-of-navigation-operation-off-venezuela-coast-2020-6#:~:text=A%20US%20Navy%20guided%2Dmissile,continue%20to%20arrive%20in%20Venezuela.
it would seem that many nations are still not quite ready or willing.
All we can do is watch. We do not date set and we do not know the hour. With everything that is going on harvest time spiritually speaking is certainly coming far sooner than most of the world is anticipating. This economic reset is a plan. This move to digital currency and a cashless society I believe is a plan. I would certainly continue to keep an eye on the United Nations as I believe that from their own words they intend to make that fall. I don't disagree that could very well be the breaking of the horn of the he goat. Even if it isn't, it would be removing that body to set up what I believe their true one world government is going to be. We know Satan will rule that not from New York but from Jerusalem. So one way or another, at one time or another it's going to be out with the old and in with the new. One thing I personally do not feel is as big of a deal is the global carbon tax set by the UN as outlined and theorized by Samuel Keith at Mark 13 Records. I think he does a good job overall the times I've listened to him. Looking at current events though I am also reminded that the Hebrew word for taxes in Daniel 11 has another meaning maybe not even related to taxation.
Word: YBP
Pronounce: naw-gas'
Strong: H5065
Orig: a primitive root; to drive (an animal, a workman, a debtor, an army); by implication, to tax, harass, tyrannize:--distress, driver, exact(-or), oppress(-or), X raiser of taxes, taskmaster.
Use: TWOT-1296 Verb
Grk Strong: G523 G1325 G1643 G1985 G1988 G4238 G4317
1) to press, drive, oppress, exact, exert demanding pressure
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to press, drive
1a2) to exact
1a3) driver, taskmaster, ruler, oppressor, tyrant, lord, exactor of tribute (participle)
1b) (Niphal) to be hard pressed
So in other words while it makes perfect sense to connect it to taxation, and a heavy tax would indeed be an oppressive burden, there is also the idea of simply the people being under tyranny as well. If being lock downed with limited movement, losing employment (again), basically starving to death, being tracked and traced, and perhaps even forced to be vaccinated or carry some type of immunity passport if you will to work and travel isn't tyranny I don't know what is. Heck, maybe Bill Gates is the raiser of taxes. I am being a bit facetious as I don't even personally think it's so much an individual person as it is a system or mechanism that places the burden on people. Regardless, we need to keep our eyes and ears open spiritually for all things that seem to be pushing us in this direction while studying, praying, and with God's help discerning what is happening and what is still to come.
Get in that Word and stay in it as best you can. Pray and help one another. Plant seeds and do your best to be a wise watchman in these days in particular. It means everything at this time. The link regarding the reset is below.